The Wellness Champion
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with love, a smile and laughter for a life full of happy.
Overwhelm is a choice! Everyday we make choices and set boundaries, or neglect to. I want to help you operate from a happy place, with the mindset to focus where it matters. I really and truly believe, your attitude determines your altitude. As your wellness consultant we can get you there.
The Bible states: As man thinketh in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7) Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD)
concluded, "We become what we think about." And Harvard professor William James says, "As one's thinking is such, one becomes.”
Let’s connect and help you overcome the challenges you’re facing today. Time spent can never be replenished so stop wasting yours. I want to share the secret to happiness with you!
Amplify Your Presence
This programs is all about overcoming defeat and imposter syndrome. It takes a look at the Pandemic's impact on the mental health and attitudes of individuals.
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Pause, Pivot & Swivel
As organizations embrace change, it is important to cultivate the culture of the company along with the change. This program facilitates a short and long-term approach to employee engagement through change.
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Exponential Expansion
EQ over IQ for Career Success. Let's explore the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict.
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Clashing! Actions & Values
When your calendar and finances don't match up to your values, you are in need of a tune up. Self discovery is the first step in emotional intelligence.
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